Every college student who applies for a credit card is not accepted by the lending institutions who offer the credit. The one insured credit card for a college student is the Prepaid Credit Card. The prepaid credit card offers your student assurance while they are away from home of emergency cash. Most lending institutions are more than willing to issue a prepaid credit card to any college student. In most cases parents are able to get the prepaid credit card from their own bank before the student goes off to college.
The prepaid credit card is the same as a regular unsecured credit card in that there are membership fees Custom Pittsburgh Penguins Jerseys , interest rates for using the card and late fees that will be charged if not paid back on time. This is a great way for your student to learn how to manage credit and build a good credit record. The prepaid credit card is assured because you need a bank account with a deposit to cover the amount of loan of your prepaid credit card. The college student can add more money to the account in order to increase the amount of the loan on the credit card. In most cases if the student makes payments on time and does not over spend on their limit within about a year they may be able to get an unsecured credit card.
This is a good way for any college student to build up a good credit score while they are in college. It is also a good way to be able to use their prepaid credit card to get cash back as a student by buying things from the school book store. Each college student is held responsible for their own prepaid credit card and how they use it not the parent. The parent may help their student get the prepaid credit card by giving them enough money to open up the account but the student should know they are held responsible for payments. In order to build up their credit score their payments need to be made in a timely manner not being late. They are still held responsible for any late fees if payment is not made on time. College students enjoy the benefits of prepaid credit cards but are also held accountable for how they use them.
When looking for a prepaid card, there are a few things that you want to look out for. You're going to want to look out for the fees, and the major logo. You'll want to have a major logo from Visa Authentic Pittsburgh Penguins Jerseys , or Mastercard because you'll want it to be accepted everywhere. The other thing is that you'll want to have a little fee as possible. Yes, there are great cards out there that don't have fees, you just have to do your homework.
As long as you compare at least five different cards Pittsburgh Penguins Jerseys For Sale , you're going to find that you'll find the right one built for your wallet. Apply for it like any other card, and you'll be all set, and it's easy as that!